Recruitment as a Service

by Staffer Team

Once a company begins growing and is faced with needing more employees, they will choose between an in-house recruiting group or hiring an outside agency. In-house recruiting involves your own employees creating job postings, marketing open positions and digging through resumes before even interviewing candidates. These tedious steps often result in inaccurate and basic job descriptions that misrepresent the position. For a stronger and more efficient recruiting process, consider hiring an outsourced recruiting agency.

Recruiting-as-a-Service (RaaS) shifts the burden of talent acquisition into the hands of a third party. This organization deploys a full-time technical recruiter to the site who works with the business to develop personalized strategies for candidate selection. The recruiter will learn features like desired company culture and what positions need to be filled. In addition, by outsourcing the work, the company is freeing up valuable time for their own team.

The following lists show responsibilities and benefits of each recruiting option.

In-House Recruiters:

  • Focused on the company’s long term plans
  • Strive to fill multiple positions while keeping employee turnover to a minimum
  • Tend to be more forthcoming with both hiring managers and candidates by trying to match people with the right backgrounds with the company’s needs
  • Collect candidates from multiple sources and screen before an interview
  • Focus on hiring for a variety of roles across different departments
  • Possess a deep knowledge of company values
  • Will be paid a salary or hourly rate and provide benefits

Outside Recruiting Agency: 

  • Main goal is to generate revenue for the agency
  • Bring confidence to conversations with candidates by saying your role is an excellent opportunity that will elevate the person’s career.
  • Move at a fast pace so they can fill the roll, get paid and move on to the next position
  • Provide services for many clients simultaneously and take no interest in the long-term success of the candidates
  • Understand exactly what skills are required and how to identify the best candidates
  • Can be especially beneficial when hiring for technical roles and difficult to fill positions
  • Almost always less costly
  • Will only be paid when hiring takes place

Takeaways – When to Hire an In-House Recruiter

  • Your company has a clear culture and wants to hire employees who fit in with the wider staff. 
  • Your company has long-term hiring plans and needs an internal recruiter to lead the effort.
  • Your company wants a recruiter who will work closely with hiring managers to identify the right candidates.
  • Your company has a definite need and budget for an in-house recruiter.

Takeaways – When to Hire an Agency Recruiter

  • You need to fill a position quickly and don’t have time to source, screen and interview multiple candidates. 
  • Your company is hiring for a technical or difficult-to-fill position and needs a recruiter with a deep understanding of the role.
  • Your company hasn’t yet defined its culture and is only concerned with skills and experience when hiring. 
  • You can’t afford or don’t need a full-time in-house recruiter.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be an either-or choice. Some of the most successful companies combine both recruiting models. Their in-house recruiting teams occasionally collaborate with a dedicated recruitment agency. That way, they are able to make the most out of both worlds.

If you are interested in a combination of the two, check out Staffer provides the experience and power of an agency recruiting company at HALF the cost of hiring an in-house recruiter - the best of both worlds!


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